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Progetti sull'alimentazione

  • CapinfoodImproving the enabling environment and public awareness for innovation in the South-East-European food sector through transnational collaboration (3/2011-2/2014).
  • ChanceThe project aims to develop attractive and affordable food products that can help preventing nutritional problems in people at risk of poverty in Europe.
  • Connect4actionThe CONNECT4ACTION project intends to improve the communication between consumers, consumer scientists, food technology developers.
  • Food CareersA portal to create an online network for continual professional training and career development for Food Scientists and Technologists.
  • Food ManufutureA platform to provide a vision and a conceptual design for competitiveness and productivity of the European Food sector.
  • Food SegAn online platform with best practise examples and coordination of cooperation to disseminate state-of-the-art research results in food safety and quality.
  • InprofoodAims to find new ways to establish dialogue and mutual learning between industry, academia and civil society.
  • Iseki Food AssociationA thematic network project to innovate the education and training of Food Science and Technology (FS&T) students.
  • Sophy ProjectAims to develop a web-based software tool for prediction of product safety, quality and shelf life of ready-to-eat products.
  • Track FastIdentification of the training and career requirements of future European food scientists and technologists (FST).
  • Collab4safetyThe overall strategic objective of Collab4Safety is to optimise the integration of research and training in food safety between the European Union (EU) and its trading partners.

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